Monday 15 February 2021

Custom Orthotics Prosthetics Leg braces Clubfoot SCI Scoliosis Foot Care

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Artificial Limbs ( Lower Limb Prosthesis )

My Care Prosthetics & Orthotics is one of the most trusted Medical Center engaged in offering the best Quality Artificial Limbs.

The artificial limbs from my care are light & flexible to permit easy movement & sufficiently sturdy to support the weight of the body. Our products are manufactured under the guidance of experienced professionals with Sophisticated technologies around the world. Our organization offer completely dependable and highly beneficial services to the patients. We always ensure user-friendly, comfortable and cost efficient devices to the patients. In order to deliver best possible patient satisfaction. Always high quality standards are being maintained at our premises. Each patient is equally valuable and important for us.

Recovery from the loss of a limb can be hard. Sadness, anger, and frustration. If you are having a tough time, we can help, contact us to schedule for an evaluation or call and speak to our knowledgeable staff about your questions, thoughts and concerns. You can set up a meeting with one of our experienced Prosthetists who can alleviate your fears and prepare you for what lies ahead all consultations & evaluations are performed free of charge. Our staff will walk with you as you heal  & begin your prosthetic care, you will have lots of questions & you shouldn't be embarassed to ask your prosthetist about whatever concerns you have, your prosthetist will spend hours & days with you and during the fitting process & for the rest of your life & you will see that there is life after amputation.